Our Services

Project 49

Project 49 provides innovative day services to adults with learning disabilities and associated needs. With a focus on healthy lifestyles and community inclusion, the service offers a variety of activities for over 100 people per day.

The service encourages working with external organisations and has forged strong links with other local services.

At this Service:

Since 2022, we have been developing 2 pathways.

Skills – The aim of this pathway is to develop and maintain skills that promote independence and inclusion.

Employability – The purpose of this pathway is to develop skills that are transferable into the workplace and prepare an individual for employment. Within this pathway various volunteering opportunities are also available.

Contact Details

Alexandra Street

 Manager: Sharon Needham
Telephone: 01702 212434
Email: P49@southendcare.co.uk

Case Study

Max – Project 49

Max started at Project 49 with the goal of obtaining a voluntary role at Just Ride Southend.

For Max, a barrier to achieving this role was the anxiety he would experience when independently entering an unfamiliar environment. Max joined Project 49 on the Employability pathway which enabled him to attend Just Ride as part of a group with the support of staff. Following several months of familiarising himself with the environment and other volunteers, he developed the confidence to take on the role that he aspired to and is now supported by Making it Work in this volunteering placement.

Max’s new goal, with the support of Project 49, is to develop his cooking skills with a view to living more independently in the future.

Project 49

The team

Sharon Needham

Sharon Needham


Sharon has worked in the care sector for over 36 years. Starting in the private sector, she has also worked for several local borough councils. Sharon began managing the Making it Work service in 2017 and has been instrumental in shaping it. Sharon now also manages Project 49 which is our day opportunities service for people with learning disabilities. She enjoys visiting historical buildings, watching rugby, cooking, and especially values spending time with her family.

Jo Hammond

Jo Hammond

Service Coordinator – Community Inclusion

“The staff are perfect, everything is. She is happy, I would know if she did not want to come. All the staff are lovely.”


“I know when I wave my daughter off in the morning – that I can relax because I know she is safe.”


“I like seeing and talking to all my friends. I enjoy all my sessions. I like talking to the staff.”

Service User

“The service helps *** to be more independent, whilst enabling her to access the activities she enjoys. In her own words ‘Project 49 is really interesting'”
