Our Services

Viking House

Viking House provides day services for vulnerable adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities. We support people through a person-centred approach so they can enjoy a variety of activities; both within the unit and within their local community.

At this Service:

Wide range of in-house activities.

Experienced and compassionate staff.

Swimming sessions (staff have specialist training to support this activity).

Multi-sensory room sessions.

Excellent community links.

Meals provided – including texture modified meals where needed.

Contact Details

Viking House
Brook Meadows House,

Burr Hill Chase,


Assistant Manager: Garry Smith
Telephone: 01702 212426
Email: garrysmith@southendcare.co.uk

Case Study

Raina’s smile is back

Raina has complex needs and lives at home with her mum, brother and sister. Having attended Lancaster school, alternative day provision needed to be found as she reached adulthood. This is often a difficult time for families, and it was difficult for Raina as she adjusted to new faces, places and routines.

Raina started going to Viking in September 2018. Immediately, the team noticed some concerning behaviour patterns. Her behaviour escalated over the next few months, so she began attending Viking House full-time and being supported on a 1:1 basis.

The support provided at Viking was consistent and staff successfully met her complex needs. Raina is now very settled at Viking House. Her mum says; “I have never seen Raina so happy when she is getting ready in the morning.” Her challenging behaviours are reducing and Raina has her smile back.

“I have never seen Raina so happy when she is getting ready in the morning.”

Viking House

The team

Garry Smith

Garry Smith


Garry has managed the team at Viking since 2011 and has worked with adults who have learning disabilities for 32 years. He lives in Southend and in his spare time relaxes in his workshop. He has taken part in many sponsored activities; including parachute jumps and an abseil off London’s Guys hospital.

Adele Godfrey

Adele Godfrey

Service Coordinator

Adele has worked in Health and Social Care for 36 years. She worked in the NHS before joining the Viking team 19 years ago. Adele has progressed from Care Assistant to DSO and has been a Co-ordinator since December 2011. In her spare time, she enjoys rambling, hill walking, yoga and travelling.

Nicola Ottaway

Nicola Ottaway

Service Coordinator

Nicola worked for the Local Authority for 32 years before joining Southend Care in April 2017. Her career history encompasses working both in residential & day care services for adults with profound learning disabilities. Nicola’s interests include attending shows and concerts (a big fan of 80’s music!) and travelling.

“Extremely Happy. My daughter looks forward to coming every day to Viking and when she returns home, she is so energetic, vocal, in a good mood and in high spirits. I feel so blessed when I see her smiling and laughing. Thanks to all the staff for making every effort with my daughter.”


“I trust them to look after my son. They help me with things that I can’t do on my own, like GP appointments, hospital appointments and provide strong reassurance to me with their professional and warm caring approach. Thank you.”


“I want to praise the efforts of the staff. Their record keeping on the ABC charts has been excellent. I was also very impressed with the quality of interactions from the staff and the positive commitment they show in trying to understand R.”

Intensive Support Nurse

“Observations and staff interviews demonstrated clear evidence of staff treating people with kindness, respect and compassion. An interview with a family member confirmed high level of satisfaction with the service, which was validated in the recent satisfaction surveys.”

Independent Audit by CIA Group